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Our Mission


Connecticut's family courts no longer serve the best interests of families or children of divorce.  Instead of providing support and closure, the court system routinely places additional and undue burdens on already suffering parents and children of divorce. 


Our courts have unforunately become co-opted by unethical attorneys and disengaged judges who are now doing little more than funneling money from parents and families into the hands of Guardian ad Litems who simply do not perform any positive function for the court, our state, and most importantly - completely ignoring the children they are supposed to be representing.​ 


The "best interests of the children" has been replaced by corruption and greed.  This is inexcusable and our state simply can and MUST do better for our children.


​How to help


The most effective way to effect positive change, is to not be silent. The best way to end the abuses of the system by unethical attorneys and judges, is to educate, inform and require that our legislators and members of State Judiciary Committee hold our court system fully accountable for measurable performance to enact effective legislative reforms so our taxpayer's dollars fund an effective system that promotes positive change.


Do not be silent, do not suffer alone, share your story and join us!​ 

​Latest project


The CT-GALREFORM Movement is actively reaching out to families and parents who have adversely impacted by our state's broken GAL system.


​We have contacted and are working with various groups, state legislators, an members of the Judiciary Committee to finally address the glaring operational problems in our family court's broken GAL system.  A system which is currently operating solely to enrich attorneys with absolutely no independent oversight of GAL performance of any kind. 


Spread the news and encourage your friends and family to get involved!


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